let's see. my random thoughts from today.
I've never been that into fashion. like real fashion. So if you are, keep your laughing to a minimum. I love love it when for some unknown reason fashion and comfort collide into something amazing. Take uggs. Last year I bought the knock-offs, but if it is socially acceptable for me to leave the house while my feet still feel like they're in slippers heck-yea I'm on board with that! This year, its maternity leggings. really, even if i wasn't pregnant i would probably feel the same way, but pregnancy is what made me cough up $25. (also evidence is my cheapness because that was difficult.) maternity jeans keep sliding down and then my elastic top tears due to my constant yanking. leggings stay put. i wear a non-maternity empire waste dress and I'm set. Its as comfortable as wearing jammies all day. love it! thanks for the gift fashion-conscious people.
I asked Jackson what we should get for papa for christmas. he told me a toy kid so that papa could pretend like he had a real kid. ha!
I cannot make rational decisions when i have fudge in the house. I even botched my recipe so its more like super thick frosting but there's still enough sugar in there for me to enjoy. Its the point where its too good to just throw in the trash but i feel too guilty actually giving it to somebody else. I decided to experiment with it. i froze it then i was going to see how soft it got to determine if I could safely give it to my neighbors. I pulled out like 10 pieces then ate 3 of those in less than 1 minute!! really!!
rain makes my house messy. i'm sticking to that. it's not me, its the rain. or the fudge.
i'm game on for christmas. i wanted to buy and put up my tree today but didn't want to face errands in the rain with 2 kids.
sam has learned the phrase "awww man!" it is the cutest and funniest thing ever. he says it when he's playfully dropping things or building duplo towers that fall down. good good stuff.
i think i'm homesick because i've called my mom probably twice a day for several days now. i'm always bummed when she can't talk longer, and then I send emails to the family. I just seriously can't wait to see everybody. to relax. to go walk on campus. go to lake lurleen. sit on the back deck and talk. talk about babies and what we might name those babies and how big our babies are. to walk/ride bikes on the levy. to talk about this season (anybody from alabama knows that refers to alabama's football season).
i'm so grateful for my protected little life. i know that i have this innocent, happy little life. i hear about the trials others face and my heart mourns for them. i want to take away pain in these people's life but feel so inadequate to do so. i also know that the savior is the only person who can put their arms around that person and say he knows what they went through and can heal their hearts and minds and bodies. i'm so incredibly grateful to know that.
phew....lots of thoughts. maybe i can get something done now.