I thought I would host a pity party tonight. For those of you who don't know Brent has to travel for his job. He'll be traveling to Borger, TX (a tiny town 1 hour north of amarillo) for the next 11 weeks or so. He leaves Sunday afternoons and gets home around midnight on Fridays. Woe is me! Last week was the first week he was gone and I tell you it is tough! I love my son and all but conversations are still a little difficult. "ball, yes thats a ball, ball, ball, yes ball" I just get to craving adult conversations so bad. One day the only person I spoke to all day was my insurance person. I also changed the wallpaper on my phone to this picture so when I'm lonely I just look at it...and miss him.
Woe is us.
Sorry Natalie. I hate it when Blasen travels for long periods of time. The longest he is gone is usually about 2 1/2 weeks when he comes over to China.
After the first few days, I get bored. But I find it's a time to catch up on the stuff I liked doing by myself like watching girlie movies or reading a book.
But I'm always glad when he gets home! Hang in there...you're relationship only gets stronger.
Oh man. I do pity you. Call me and we'll catch up. Good luck with this phase.
I'm sorry Brent is going to be gone for so long! I wouldn't be able to handle it. I had a hard enough time with the week I was in Tennessee. Doesn't it make you appreciate Army wives so much more? (I have a few friends with husbands in the military and it really makes me appreciate the sacrifice of both the husband and the wife). Anyway, keep a smile on your face and before you know it....11 weeks will be done!
I'm sorry Nat, a friend of mine has that schedule year round with her husband, leaves on Sunday gets back on Friday just to do it over again... it sucks, but you have a count down for when he's done! Enjoy the pity party, it's ok to do sometimes, I still do!
Pity me! You know what is being done to me today and what I went through last night! Pity Me!
Need I say more!
Sorry, my husband travels maybe 15 minutes every day. But My family-in-law whom I adore, lives in another continent. So I guess you can pity us for that
That stinks, you can pity me in that I just broke it off with the guy I had planned on marrying come Spring. We had even set a date, then I prayed and was told No. This has actually been really tough, I feel like it is never going to happen for me. I feel like I will never meet the man I have been promised I would marry (through my blessing). So we can have a pity party! I will bring the ice cream :)
I do pity you! The longest I was away from Aubrey was four weeks during our move from NE to here. Of course, I had lots to do and adults to help me so I admit it went by pretty fast with good conversation. You can pity me, though. I'm crazy.
:( That makes me so sad for you. I can't imagine how hard that must be for you. I think you are entitled to throwing a pity party any time you want. I'll even come to it :)
Hey Natalie, I'm craving a gatlinburg trip. Interested? Oshkosh and Carters are having some great sales, so I hear. We could go to the apple barn. I volunteer John to watch kids!!! Are you biting yet? Email me. I still have Jackson's outfit to give to you.
Okay, oops! That last comment was mine!
Oh SAD! Poor Natalie. That is really hard. All I can say is try and go on some day outings with some of your girl friends or go visit a museum, zoo, or something.
We'll pray for you that the time goes fast when you are home by yourself.
So sad, so sad. You are amazing to be supportive to Brent though. I bet he REALLY misses you both!
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