Thursday, August 20, 2009

preparing for the real thing...

Three days a week I've started watching one of Jackson's friends from nursery Iris. She's about 6 months younger than Jackson which I didn't think Jackson would even notice a difference. He does though and it has given me glimpses of the type of big brother he will be. It's funny to see my characteristics/behavior in how he treats her. Now imagine this in a high imitating mommy type of voice, here are some of my favorites..."Honey, you want some juice." "Are you drinking juice? say yeah. say yeah." "Who am I? I'm Jackson. say Jackson." (when she picked up the remote control) "that's not for you Iris." "that's not safe Iris." He'll pick out books to show her and teach her how to... well jump on the bed or play red light/green light (a new favorite since our fhe on obedience.)
I know its not exactly the same but it's an idea of maybe how things will go and it makes me more excited. I'm grateful to see the patience and kindness he has shown her. I think, really I do, he'll be a great older brother.


Emily said...

That is so incredibly sweet! I LOVE it :) I bet you are just the most wonderful mother to little Jackson and that is why he is turning out so great!

Lori said...

I'm sure he'll be a very sweet and attentive big brother. I love it when little kids act like the parent (in sweet ways like that, not bossy ways :) ).

Amber said...

No worries about the note, I do the same thing. So, I know this may be a weird request, but if you sent it via UPS or FedEx could you send me the tracking information? We've had a few problems with receiving some of our packages, so if I have the tracking information, I'm able to make sure I'm here the day they deliver. If you sent it through the post office, there shouldn't be a problem. You can just email it to me ( Again, I really appreciate your kindness. Thanks!

Grandma Jan said...

How very sweet! I can just hear him saying those things. Love you all.

mcamp said...

that's not too sappy to say in a blog...thank you very much for the kind words :)

Bonnie said...

I love that picture! He is going to be such a great big brother, I am so excited for you!